HB Naturals Slimmer Max Advertising Co op

Simplicity & Duplication - Our team's first objective is to help you become an Executive Consultant as soon as possible, and to make it easy for you to do this using our step-by-step advertising co op & follow up system.

It only takes personally enrolling two HB Naturals Slimmer Max members who want to Get Paid Instantly, and who also want to get rid of stubborn belly fat, to lay the foundation for long-term, leveraged income with HBN. Getting Paid Instantly is icing on the cake.

Instead of you having to:

1.) Create & test your own ad copy...

2.) Create a lead capture page that will produce *a good opt-in rate... I.E. *The number of exclusive, real time leads generated for your HB Naturals Slimmer Max business...

3.) And most importantly, find THE RIGHT website traffic source that can generate new HB Naturals Slimmer Max member enrollments for you...

We Do All Of The Above 3 Steps For You.



Here's How It Works:

We pool our funds together through an advertising co-op to purchase responsive home business website traffic (eye balls on your HB Naturals Slimmer Max lead capture page).

Keith runs the advertising campaign for all co-op participants using a website rotator.

Each member who participates in a co-op, and based on the number of shares you order, receives an equal number of guaranteed home business visitors to your HB Naturals Slimmer Max lead capture page, to generate targeted leads for your HBN business.

Our advertising typically generates a 20 - 30% conversion rate for co-op participants. I.E. The number of targeted leads generated for your HB Naturals business.

For example, if one co-op share equals 100 guaranteed home business visitors (eyeballs) to your lead capture page, you would receive 20 - 30 new leads for your business.

Through your free marketing website and follow up system, some of these leads will also become new personally enrolled members on your team.

These are people who responded to our advertising, and indicated they wanted to Get Paid Instantly, and that they also wanted to get rid of stubborn belly fat and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

How Much Does A Co op Share Cost?
A co-op share of 100 unique website visitors typically runs from $65 to $85, depending on the website traffic source we use. We work with several traffic vendors, and at times, we will run more than one co-op simultaneously.

We are continually testing different traffic sources. Whenever we find another winner, we add that source to our portfolio of approved traffic vendors for our co-ops.

The Steps In Our Team Advertising Co-op

Step 1.) Generate exclusive, real time, targeted leads for your HB Naturals Slimmer Max business, which we do.

Step 2.) Automatic Email Follow ups to help enroll your most responsive leads into new HB Naturals Slimmer Max members on your team.

When a website visitor submits their contact information for more details, not only is a new lead generated, but your Free Aweber auto responder will also automatically begin sending them a series of 9 pre-written follow up emails on your behalf.

Some of your leads will immediately activate a free HB Naturals Slimmer Max membership and join your team after opting in for more details about our product and business.

Some will activate their membership through the follow up emails they receive. Two of the emails (What's Your Interest Level, and Question For You) are written with a specific call to action where they will reply to the email with their answer.

Those prospects who activate an HBN membership, are the ones you want to initiate a personal follow up with. We show you how step-by-step.

Step 3.) On Boarding - When you enroll a new member on your team, you want to make sure that you send them a welcome email that includes the link for our team's Getting Started support website, the same way your sponsor did for you. You can use the welcome email we've included on this support site.

You also want to Call your new members, and personally welcome them to begin the on boarding process. One simple question you will also ask them during this call, will allow you to easily identify those members who you'll want to focus on helping them get up and running as quickly as possible.



Order A Co-op Share

Access the link below. It will open a page where you'll be able to review our current advertising co-op/s, and purchase a share or shares.







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