On Boarding - Send A Welcome Email & Call Your New Personally Enrolled Member


If this is your first time sending a welcome email or calling a new HB Naturals Slimmer Max member, Congratulations!

We know how important it is to enroll your first HB Naturals Slimmer Max team member, and the confidence it builds. One step at a time, and be consistent.

We're sure that you also want to put your new team member in the best position to win with HB Naturals Slimmer Max.

That's why we created the Getting Started support website for our team, along with the marketing tools and resources we provide.

Welcome Email - The welcome email you will send to your new member includes the link for our Getting Started support site.

You want to make sure your new team member has everything they need to begin making money as soon as possible.



Sending A Welcome Email Is Easy

Included below, you'll see a link for a Note Pad file. This file includes the copy for our team's pre-written "welcome" email.

Right click on the link, and then "save as" on your desktop or laptop for easy access.

Once downloaded, open the file.

Be sure to edit the email before sending. Make sure you change the contact details and your new member's first name.

Right Click on the link below, and "save as." Be sure to edit before sending the email to your personal contacts.




Calling Your New Member

This Step Is Critical To Successful Duplication In Your Business.

While sending a welcome email to your new team member with the link for our Getting Started site is very important, calling your new member to personally welcome them aboard, and then asking them a very simple & straight forward question, is what's going to separate you from the crowd & help you earn Instant Pay.

You call will accomplish 3 things:

1.) Help you connect personally.

2.) Set the example for the correct way to onboard a new team member.

3.) Identify your new team members who are serious about getting rid of stubborn belly fat, and who are READY to start earning Instant Pay commissions right now.

We've tested several methods on the most effective way to reach out to a new team member when calling them. We've found that asking them a question that so many people ignore, produces the best results in helping you identify who's serious and who's just curious.



Reach out to your new team member from a position of authority & support.

On Boarding - You're not here to chase anyone, or convince them of anything. You're here to HELP your new member (with our team's assistance), if they're committed to their own success.

If your new member opened and read the welcome email you sent, they already know that you will be calling them.

A.) If you reach their voicemail, simply leave the following message:

"Hey Joe/Jane. This is Keith. I'm your HB Naturals enroller. Welcome you to HBN & Slimmer Max. I'm calling to ask... If You're Ready To Go To Work, Joe/Jane?

If you are, give me a call. My number is 123-456- 7890. That's 123-456- 7890. When we speak, please let me know how soon you'd like to start earning Instant Commissions with Slimmer Max. Take care."


Note: After leaving a voicemail, send your new member the following text:

Hey Jane/Joe. This is Keith, your HB Naturals enroller. Welcome you to HBN & Slimmer Max. I left you a voicemail a few minutes ago.

Are You Ready To Go To Work? Please let me know how soon you'd like to start earning Instant Commissions with Slimmer Max.


B.) If you aren't able to reach your new member, and they don't have voicemail, send them the following text:

Hey Jane/Joe. This is Keith Francis, your HB Naturals enroller. Welcome you to HBN & Slimmer Max. I tried to call you a few minutes ago.

Are You Ready To Go To Work, Joe/Jane?

Give me a call at 123-456-7890. Please let me know how soon you'd like to start earning Instant Commissions with Slimmer Max.



"Are You Ready?"

One of the biggest challenges some of our members face is... Making that first call to a new personally enrolled team member. They're not sure what to say; what not to say, or what to do.

If you remember that everyone you call responded to an advertisement that asked... "if they knew anyone who wanted to get paid instantly, and if they knew anyone with stubborn belly fat they couldn't get rid of" ... It makes your first call much easier.

We take everyone at their word until they tell or show us otherwise. In other words, we believe a new member's positive answers to the two questions above...

Therefore, we when make that first call, we really need to know just one thing before we get started:

"Are They Ready To Go to Work?"

Some won't we ready, and that's OK. We're just looking for the yes's.

There's no drama... Just a very straight forward question.

So here's how that first call typically goes: (This is just a guide - Use words that fit you)

Hi Joe/Jane. This is Keith with HB Naturals & Slimmer Max. How are you? I believe you expecting my call, correct?

Great... Did receive my welcome email with the link for our team's Getting Started support website?

Great... Are You Ready To Get To Work?

Excellent... Do you have about 10 minutes right now for me to go a few items with you?

(If they say "yes," start the on boarding overview by having them access our team's Getting Started support site with you on the phone...

If they they say "not right now," schedule an appointment for them to call you. Do NOT call them for the appointment.



On Boarding Overview

When you walk a new member through the on boarding overview, there are just a few items you want to cover with them before they get started, and you hang up. (They'll need to be in front of their laptop or desktop during this process.)

1. Make sure they know how to find their HBN User ID & password (included in company welcome email), and how to log into their back office - They can go to https://hbnaturals.com, and click on Member Access near the top of the page.

2. Be sure to let your new member know about our team's live weekly Getting Started training call every Wednesday for new team members.

3. Let them know that we divided the Getting Started Steps into three phases, Day1, Day 2, & Day 3... Their first 72 hours.

Encourage them to take their time, and to write down any questions that come up as they begin the steps, so they can be answered on the Wednesday call, or before then, if needed.

4. You can briefly review the 7 Getting Started steps with your new member by simply going down the list on the Getting Started Home page with them. DON'T try to explain anything right now. Each step was created for your new member to be able to follow along on their own.

Ask your new member if there's anything you can help them with before they get started. Make sure they know how to reach you, if needed, and end the call. That's it.



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